Home What's New Station Info Articles LF Propagation Grabbers Software Links

W1TAG / WD2XES    John K. Andrews   Holden, MA FN42ch   [ w1tag@charter.net ]

Links to Sites With Useful LF Information

This is a collection of links to various LF-related sites. If you find that any have been broken, please let me know.

FCC Info:
FCC OET Experimental Licensing
FCC Rules

Frequency Calibration Info:

Useful LF Links:
W1TAG Files
Long Wave Club of America Site
LF Lexicon - Acronyms, Cute Names, etc.
Lyle Kohler, K0LR
Dex McIntyre, WD2XKO/W4DEX
Laurence Howell, WD2XDW/KL1X
Jay Rusgrove, WD2XNS/W1VD
Ralph Hartwell, WC2XSR
Eric Smith, WD2XFX/KD5UWL
North American NDB Reports
Grid Square Distance Calculator

Useful 500 kHz Links:
Ralph Hartwell's 500kc Site

Useful Hifer Links:
Steve Olney, VK2XV