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W1TAG / WD2XES / WE2XGR/3    John K. Andrews   Holden, MA FN42ch   [ w1tag@charter.net ]

LF/MF Experiments with WSJT

To try decoding WSJT's JT2 mode, do the following (changes will be made with more experience!):
1. Download the WSJT Version 5.9.8 program from Joe Taylor's web site.
2. Run and install the download file.
3. Set your computer's clock to the nearest second. The closer the better. Use of a program like Dimension 4 may help.
4. Run the program.
5. Click Mode and select JT2.
6. Click Monitor. If "Freeze" is checked, uncheck it. Right click on the "Sync 1" box until it reads zero. If you overshoot, left click to go back.
7. I will be transmitting on 508.500 kHz. That's where the actual 4.375 Hz wide signal will be -- I have made allowance at the transmitting end for the unusual transmit offset. Set your receiver however you normally would to hear a signal on 508.500. In my case, that would be with the receiver in CW mode, set to 508.500, and an 800 Hz BFO offset. NOTE: The program was written for a receiver in USB mode, and it really expects that the center of the signal will be at 1273 Hz. It can compensate when you double-click as noted below, but I had trouble with a BFO pitch of 700 Hz in CW mode. Since I like to run my CW filters, and not be open to everything in USB, I am using 800 Hz on my receiver. However, if you want to try USB mode, set your receiver to 507.227 kHz
8. I will be transmitting on even minutes only. If you can see my signal on the SpecJT screen, center the mouse cursor on it and double-click. If you can't see the signal, double click on that screen at a point corresponding to your BFO frequency (or to 1273 Hz if you are using USB). Note that this will turn the "Freeze" back on, and that's OK. If you close the program and bring it back up, be sure to repeat this step, as it won't remember your last frequency setting.
9. The WE2XGR/3 transmission will be from :01 to :48 seconds on the even minutes. Just before the top of the odd minute, you should get a decode on the "WSJT 6 by K1JT" screen, in the center of the white section.
10. Just let it run and see what happens.

Questions? Email me directly, and I'll do my best.