WD2XES Experimental License Application Granted March 4, 2004

Background: When the FCC terminated the rulemaking that would have established an amateur band at 136 kHz, they very clearly suggested that operation under the Experimental service would be more controlled, and would allow gathering of data on possible interference to Power Line Carrier operation. In fact, as you read the text, it is unlikely that an amateur LF band will ever be granted unless some data is obtained. I filed my application on July 26, 2003. Several others have been filed since.

Requested Operation: I requested 135.7 - 137.8 kHz and 166.0 - 166.5 kHz. Maximum power level would be 1 watt ERP, and 200 watts transmitter output. Modes would include CW up to 10 wpm, the frequency shift keying such as that used in Jason, and BPSK such as WOLF and PSKAM10. I also specified a moderately large transmit loop antenna.

Why?: There are limits to the experiments we can legally perform under Part 15 of the FCC rules. The antenna size restrictions are difficult to interpret for loop antennas, and anything beyond a 15 meter perimeter length is probably not legal. Transmitter power is an obvious limitation, and creates the problem that the people you may most be interested in working with may be outside of your coverage area. Also, with power level being determined by input power, and the transmitter having to be located at the antenna, development of transmitter circuitry is more difficult. An amateur allocation would have solved all of this. In the absence of that, the Experimental service is the best option. In my case, I am specifically interested in transmitting with loop antennas, and in using a variety of modes. Those two goals are specifically mentioned in my application.

Granted!: The WD2XES application was approved as submitted, and operation began on March 5, 2004.
View WD2XES license grant
View WD2XES Operating Log

More Information on Experimental Licensing:
FCC Part 5 Rules
FCC OET Experimental Licensing Site

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